Hi Tom, I was unable to upload an avatar image using Safari 5.0.2 for Windows. The same image uploaded correctly in Firefox. When I tried to upload in Safari, after selecting an image but before clicking Save it would often jump to the front page of the Macedition forums. Other times, it would go to the front page of my Control Center. In either case, the image was not uploaded. This isn'tby John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Suddenly, my .sig line is showing me gibberish instead of quotation marks in Safari 3.1.1. I didn't change any local settings. Are other people seeing it, or is it local to me? Huh. No sig in this forum. Look at my posts over in the Spork thread.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Typo in iPhone trojan article: "For the mast majority of people"by John Willoughby - Article Discussions
Ummm.. "Piss OFF hackers," not "Piss OF hackers." Article headline about new iPhone firmware update coming.by John Willoughby - Article Discussions
The problems seems completely fixed, Tom. Thanks!by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Yes, that post went through in about three seconds; would have been 25 before.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
It does seem much faster. Not as fast as I would think it ought to be, but a definite improvement. I will try to test objectively.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
When I'm home, I'll look for you. Everything works fine at work. Well, except for me.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Sorry, Tom. No scientific tests conducted. Last night page loads seemed faster, but not by much. I'd still click the read flag and then go read some other site until I felt like seeing if the page had loaded.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
I'll try when I'm home.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
It's that machine, I'll bet. Oh, well, prepare to hear less from me.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Safari Mac is similarly slow on the same machine. Haven't tried Firefox Mac. Firefox Windows from work is fine, so it is something about my route from home.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
And now a proper traceroute from the same machine running Mac OS X 10.5.1: I had to kill it after a while, since it seemingly had no end! Traceroute has started ... traceroute to new.macedition.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ( 7.028 ms 0.869 ms 1.235 ms 2 ( 6.314 ms 6.787 ms 8.703 ms 3 66-214-102-21.static.reno.nv.chby John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Firefox is slow, too. The error log has a lot of "Expected declaration but fount '!'. Skipped to next declaration. http://new.macedition.com/forums/css.php?0,css" lines. Also: "Unknown property '-webkit-border-top-left-radius'. Declaration dropped." "Unknown property '-webkit-border-top-right-radius'. Declaration dropped." "Unknown property 'word-wrap'. Declaration dropped."by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Looks like step 2 is a 98% packet loss. That doesn't impact anything else I do. Ouch. Since it happens for both oldspork and newspork, and only the latter is slow, I may write that off to a Windows oddity, outside my problem.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
C:\Documents and Settings\John Willoughby>pathping new.macedition.com Tracing route to new.macedition.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 0 WinXPsp2.nv.charter.com [] 1 2 3 66-214-102-21.static.reno.nv.charter.com [] 4 66-214-102-34.static.reno.nv.charter.com [] 5 66-214-102-90.static.reno.nv.charter.com [by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
C:\Documents and Settings\John Willoughby>pathping spork.macedition.com Tracing route to spork.macedition.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 0 WinXPsp2.nv.charter.com [] 1 2 3 66-214-102-21.static.reno.nv.charter.com [] 4 66-214-102-34.static.reno.nv.charter.com [] 5 66-214-102-90.static.reno.nv.charter.cby John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Old Spork is fine. I should also add that the top page of the Spork section loads normally; it's just the topics that are slow. I'm on Windows now, so I'll run a pathping which seems analagous to traceroute and will post times here.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Tom, the situation got better for that evening, but I am routinely hitting 20-30 second page loads in the Spork Template area again. It seems slow here, too, but I haven't tried enough pages outside the Spork area. It is virtually every page I try; I might even say every page. It makes using the new forum agonizing. I click a link, then switch to another tab to do something else on the web anby John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Could we also make sure that a big, vivid link on the Elder Sporke Boardes directs people here? Just in case any of our old-timers decides to stop by again, and doesn't feel like digging to find out where we've fled.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Works okay with Safari 3.0.4 for Windows. Some odd hangs loading threads that a cancel-then-refresh usually fix. That may not be browser-specific.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
I think there's an upgrade that I'll download, but Safari on Windows 3.0.3 crashes pretty consistently, at least with the Spork Template up.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Are we talking Sporker mits here? I don't think that's a good way to go. (Though I'd "win.")by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
It seems to be better, now. Much better. Thanks, Tom.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Currently, Firefox on Windows is taking up to 25 seconds to load a page. I'm really hoping that this changes when things go live.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests
Is there a way to default to following every topic unless I say otherwise? If I have to scan each board every day for what's new, I'll miss a lot. Also, this board is currently very slow for me.by John Willoughby - Feature Requests