Not to complain about the snazzy look look, but... well, i'm complaining about it.
The color choice of dark green, grey, black, shiny fonts is all very cold.
The ads that assault me top, left and right make me feel ever chillier.
The Mac Professional's Resource may be good for macedition, but at the top we used to see ribaldry rumors rats.
Sure, maybe this is what the main boards need to look like, but you know I was in the subway last week before this went down and I thought to myself, I've been on spork for ten years. Will I still be on spork in forty? And I said, yeah, could be. The core group has learned to get along better and some of the outright jerks (not me! I only said some) have gone away, making it easier even if we've lost some great friends too.
But this design says to me that the spork boards are over, that we're integrated into something else. Even at Macweek, the boards were the knife boards. That set a tone. The tone here is we form the core of a new community that is business like.
I just can't imagine Soup posting his eloquent defense of alcoholism in Newport here. I just can't.
I'm not really sure what to do since this software is a b*tch and it sounds like we're not changing that, but how about a redesign of the colors and the graphics a little? Please?