Yesterday I've tried to login using an NNTP reader, but no dice... What gives Tom, is NNTP turned off again in WebX?by tliet - Feature Requests
Clicking on it while in the Spork boards yields also new messages around tliet - Feature Requests
Duh, only now I read the requirement of the Follow Topic checkbox. Pls disregard my remark in tliet - Feature Requests
Heh, I feel so much at home I just tried clicking on the "Read Subscriptions" tliet - Feature Requests
It also flies directly in the face of what made WebX great. Clicking on Read Subs you'd get post by post, thread by thread all the messages that were written since you left tliet - Feature Requests
Looks better this way Tom, thanks. There's another thing; the Subject above each post. That's quite redundant imho, is it possible to drop that one as well? (and while you're at it, could the post number and total number of posts be included a la WebX?)by tliet - Feature Requests
What made WebX really stand out was the way you only needed to click the Check Subscriptions button to read thread by thread the new messages. So, not a list of messages sorted by tliet - Feature Requests
Well, it's about two points larger than WebX I'd tliet - Feature Requests
Yes, egg. That was one thing I was trying to define and it makes WebX unique, it will automatically make you read any new messages that might have been tliet - Feature Requests